Safe and Sound from the Pound

Safe and Sound from the Pound
Will YOU be my forever home?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hey folks, it's me, Hobo, again. Great news. I have gone to be with my forever family today! I will now have some young humans to help raise up. Here's some photos.

(And remember: You can make my pictures bigger if you click on them.)

Here's me at my foster home getting ready. Can you tell that I am happy? I just had a bath earlier also. I felt so fresh. That sun feels so good... and is SO BRIGHT.
What a bully smile, eh?
I'm a happy pup, a happy pup....
Here's my new Mom and Dad. WooHoo!
Umh, this is not my car. You want me to do what?
Hmmm, maybe, I'll think about it.
I think I can....
Wow, new smells, new things.
Hey Mom, watcha doing back there?
Don't we make a great family? Thanks everyone at, and who support,  BBR!!!!!!!!!